
Faces Plus Skin Care and Acne Clinic

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Is This Skin Cancer Or Not?

As an Aesthetician, I get this question daily.  I had a client today who is prone to moles and was wondering if some of them might be cancerous.  You are your best defense in this area.  Know your body, inspect it regularly and have a professional screening once a year by a dermatologist.  This is no different than women receiving yearly mammograms and pap smears.  Do not wait until it is too late.  The reason you should know your own skin is that a dermatologist sees you once a year along with thousands of other patients and he/she is not going to specifically remember your skin.  If you have something that is changing on your skin, have it looked at.  Basal cell carcinoma is the least serious of skin cancers but can spread at the site and grow so that the area needing to be removed can be large if you do not catch it in time.  Melanoma grows in a different way.  It goes into your cells, your lymph system, blood and bones.  It can be at a serious stage before you know you have it. 

The ABCD's of skin cancer.  Asymmetry, Border, Color and Diameter.  Most melanomas are asymmetrical, their borders are uneven, their color is varied in shades and their diameter is usually larger than common moles. 

Squamous cell carcinomas usually start in the epidermis layers of your skin.  You might see scaly patches or raised growths in such places as your nose, forehead, hands or lips.  This can spread quickly and should be checked out.

Basal cell carcinomas often start as little bumps on your face, lips, around your mouth or ears.  They may be crusty or not heal and bleed.  You should have these removed as they can spread requiring a larger area to be removed.

How valuable is your life to you?  Don't put off having a screening and/or removal of suspicious moles or irregular skin lesions.  See your dermatologist today.

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