
Faces Plus Skin Care and Acne Clinic

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Is Benzoyl Peroxide Safe?

Because I help those who suffer from acne obtain clear skin I hear this question on a regular basis.  Benzoyl peroxide has been utilized for over 50 years for many different things.  It has been proven to be one of the most effective topical products on the market for clearing acne.  The concern is that it might cause premature aging.  There is very little research to prove this fact.  Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most effective topical agents available to help clear acne.  This is because it has an antibacterial effect.  Bacteria cannot thrive where oxygen is present.  It also exfoliates the skin, helping to clear the pore of dead skin cells which contribute to acne lesions (pimples).

There are some common side effects when using benzoyl peroxide like dryness or peeling, tight skin, redness or burning and itching.  All of these can be diminished by using benzoyl peroxide in the correct manner, applying an effective moisturizer that DOES NOT clog the pores and making sure your water intake is sufficient.

Seek the help of a skin care specialist to guide you through the process of clearing your acne.  If done properly, you can have clear skin and keep it clear through proper use of effective products.

Contact Faces Plus today and get clear!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Why Is It Important to Follow An Acne Regimen?

The old saying goes:  Nothing in Life is Free.  This is so true.  If you want something badly enough, you make the decision to do the hard work to obtain it.

Treating acne is no different.  Most acne treatments fail because the acne sufferer fails to stick with the regimen provided.  Following the guidelines provided by your acne specialist will assure that your acne clears.  In some cases your acne may clear sooner than you expected.

Treating acne takes determination, dedication and patience.  Your acne did not appear overnight and it will not clear overnight.  Understanding what is occurring within your skin is one key component to being dedicated and patient while treating your acne.  Communication with your acne specialist is another key component to clearing your acne.  Changing your regimen on your own usually leads to disappointment.  Your skin will change drastically while treating acne.  Having an acne specialist on your team can help you stick with your regimen and get you through the rough times.  There will be dryness and irritation, however, working with an acne specialist can minimize these side effects.

I find that the clients who are compliant and patient receive the best results.  Those who want immediate results usually struggle and some eventually fail at obtaining clear skin.

Find an acne specialist, educate yourself by asking questions and follow the regimen given to you by your acne specialist.  You can have acne free skin!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Make-up and Acne

One of the worst things an acne sufferer can do is wear make-up.  Liquid make-up and most compacts are not good choices.  If you’re going to wear make-up stick to water-based or glycerin-based products. 

Most acne sufferers love to wear a popular make-up because it is known to effectively cover acne lesions.  However, all it does is add to the problem.  When treating acne the pore is constantly being cleared of dead skin cells and oil buildup.  Applying a make-up containing pore clogging ingredients only exacerbates the acne by clogging the pore again.  Your acne specialist can make recommendations for you.

You MUST check the ingredients against a list of pore cloggers provided by your acne specialist before purchasing over-the-counter products as manufacturers are always changing their ingredients.

Using loose mineral powders is your best choice.  These can help eliminate the oily shine that most acne sufferers are “blessed” with.  High quality mineral make-ups have anti-inflammatory properties which can help with the redness acne sufferers may encounter.  They also provide great coverage.  There are many videos on the Internet on how to properly build coverage with loose minerals. 

Most blushes are filled with pore cloggers.

Eye make-up is not usually a problem for acne sufferers but be aware of make-up removers and skin wipes.  The majority of skin wipes on the market contain pore clogging ingredients.

Lip products can cause problems for acne sufferers.  They usually contain many comedogenic (pore clogging) ingredients.  The problem with lip products is that they travel from the lip area.  The wax in lip products is not the problem, it is the oils.  Make sure the oils in your lip products are something simple like castor oil, mineral oil or petrolatum rather than isopropyl myristate.  A good choice is petroleum jelly or Aquaphor.