
Faces Plus Skin Care and Acne Clinic

Thursday, August 11, 2011

So Many Acne Myths

First, nothing causes acne but there are things that can exacerbate it.  Acne is a genetic disease and you are born with it.  One of the important things I do in my practice is educate clients about all the myths surrounding acne.  Because these myths have been repeated for years, people believe them.  If you are going to clear your skin from acne, whether on your own, or with the help of a professional, you need to quit believing the myths.  I actually have clients repeat these myths to me all the time and they firmly believe them.  When someone has suffered for years and tried everything they usually are speaking from a place of what has and has not worked for them.  However, they may have not been using topical products correctly, they may have given up when it didn’t work right away because they did not possess the knowledge to use them in the correct manner or they were prescribed the wrong thing to successfully treat their acne.

Following is a list of the most popular myths:

Eating chocolate and greasy foods causes acne.
Too much or not enough sex causes acne.
Dirty skin and dirty hair hanging in your face causes acne.
Acne only affects teenagers.
Make-up will improve your acne.
There is nothing that will successfully treat acne.
I don’t really have acne, my complexion is just bad.

I hear this last one often and it’s never fun to inform someone that they actually do have acne, that it’s not just a complexion problem and that if they would start treating it right away they could stop the damage that might occur if it is left untreated.

Stop believing the myths so that you can successfully treat your acne and have clear skin.

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